Creme Brulee

Mmmmm.... Delicious creamy dessert with a crunchy topping

Ingredients (makes 8)

500 ml cream
185 ml milk
115g superfine caster sugar
1 vanilla pod
5 egg yolks
1 egg white
110g demerara sugar


Preheat the oven to 120C
Place the milk, cream and half the caster sugar along with vanilla pod in a small saucepan and bring just to the boil.

Meanwhile, mix together the remaining caster sugar, egg yolks and egg white. Strain the boiling milk mixture over the egg mixture whisking well.

Ladle into 8 125 ml ramekins and place in a roasting pan. Pour hot water into the tin until it comes half way up the sides of the ramekins. Cook 11/2 hours or until they are set in the centre. Cool and then refrigerate until ready to serve. Before serving sprinkle the demerara sugar over the tops and then caramelise with a blow torch.


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